Monday, September 12, 2011

I talk of forgiveness

Last year was truly a humbling experience for me and my family. I have always believed that it was God's way of telling me that I am only human and that I need Him, my family, my friends and yes, even (I say this with truth in my heart) my enemies.

Healing is a process. Forgiveness is a process. I am on that process. I have forgiven but probably not forgotten. And I am praying that I too, will forget. As these memories have been the stake that crushes my heart and soul. Although I can truly say that I am 80% at peace. There are days when I hear about things that I don't like and definitely do not understand why they were even said, and I still get hurt. I pray that God would give me the strength to surpass all these trials. And that God would bless my enemies' soul so they may find peace in their hearts and be content with what they have and be happy for others too.
I've just read from Bo Sanchez's Soulfood, that I am allowed to be hurt and be angry. Because I am only human. To restore my dignity. And become a part of my healing.

Don’t Rush To Forgive If The Wound Is Grave

When the hurt is very deep, don’t forgive right away.

I am progressing but I cannot say that I have been healed totally. I still hurt. But I am better now. I feel better, I see better, I decide and choose better. I thank God for giving me this grace. And for giving me my support group (most especially my husband).

I know I will soon be healed. I will be stronger and better.

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