Monday, February 12, 2018

Life hits

It has been more than a year since I last blogged. And if you have been following my posts, you would know that this means I have too much time on my hands and on one of my melancholic highs. Yes, I think I am depressed.

Early last year, hubby and I started a mushroom business. Fast forward to this year, we are one of the most looked-up-to growers here in the Philippines. A mix of marketing strategy, research, experience and just plain common sense :)

I have been feeling low for the past months, after so many bashings from internet detractors. And in the past few weeks, yet another issue has surfaced. I know I asked for time to stay at home and just do our household chores. Now that I was given that, my husband now has too many things on his plate and has not been spending time with me either. This has posed as a problem. If you must know, I require attention. Attention for me is a love language. If I am not given enough time, I bite. This is also not the first time this has happened in our almost 16 years (yes, we will be celebrating this coming weekend -- if we are celebrating at all) of marriage. I have asked many times for this attention. I just feel there is not enough.

Do you also feel that you give too much love, yet not get the same amount back? I do. Almost always. I have asked in several different ways, to no avail. At least to my standards. Am I asking too much?

I feel so lonely. Today. Since Saturday. Since last week. Since 2 weeks, 3 weeks ago. I don't know what to do.