What has been happening in my life lately?
Well, the fact that school has officially started for my kids this week, this is one busy mommy. We, the husband and I, have been juggling our daily routine between our house, which now serves as our 'office' and here at my mom-in-law's house. About less than a month ago, the hubby asked me if it was okay for us to transfer since his mom has been feeling ill lately. I knew it was coming - the question. So I was kinda half expectant and I knew what my answer was. It was a YES, of course. I have vowed to myself lately (since an untoward incident -which I'll post about when I'm ready) that I'll be as supportive as I can with my husband's affairs and whatnots.
My only issues were -- our dogs, our plants, the house and its maintenance, and the mails we get. Quite a few, I should say.
So now, after almost a month, the sleep is quite a struggle. Here's how the schedule goes :
Dinner time - we need to finish up dinner by 7:30ish so we can go home at 8PM, just in time for my 9PM shift (we still clean a little, feed the dogs and do other stuff that needs done inside our abandoned house).
Work - 9PM to 6AM but sometimes extends to as late at 8AM. Then we go to my MIL's house.
As soon as we arrive at MIL's, we check on the kids' needs before they get fetched by their school service. Then we do housechores, take breakfast, run errands (if there's any). I personally usually have about 2-3hours of decent sleep.
I feel that this is taking a toll on my health. It's only by God's grace that I'm able to survive without headaches/migraine for the past few weeks.
As for weekends, which should've been our rest days - these are spent cleaning and maintaining 2 households (no yaya!) and running weekend errands. Sometimes, the weekend schedule schedule even includes out-of-town trips to my grandparents' place, going to my mom's or aunt's, helping out in my MIL's businesses.
I honestly don't know for how long our bodies are able to take this but I'm hoping that some form of rest can be given for the hubby and I. I miss our dates too. I miss the spa-nights. I miss going to movies. I miss bumming out.